


How did Caterpillar feel when it realized that becoming a butterfly would take a while?


Think of a time when you had to wait. How did it make you feel? What were some things you did to pass the time?

What is Caterpillar doing to make waiting easier? What would you tell Caterpillar to do to make waiting fun and less frustrating?


Why do you think it’s important to be patient? Can you think of a time when being patient helped you?

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Bite-size Activities

Feelings Charades
Take turns acting out different feelings, like happiness, sadness, or anger, without using words. The other person guesses the emotion, and then you can talk about times when you felt that way and how to help others who might feel the same.


Giving Back
Host a small lemonade stand, bracelet sale, bake sale or other idea of your child’s choosing for charity. You’ll build your child’s empathy and compassion by going through the process of planning and donating the money to a special cause, like families who may not have enough food, animals who need shelter, etc.

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