


What did you notice about how the words in the story sound? Then, repeat a few of the rhyming words from the story aloud.


Why do you think the author made the story rhyme?

Do you think rhyming makes the story more fun to read? Why or why not?


What do you think the other animals learn from seeing Gerald dance confidently?

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Bite-size Activities

How Long Is Forever?
Kids this age don’t yet understand the concept of time, so a minute really does feel like an hour! When you’re talking to them about how much time they have to wait, try relating it to something they’re familiar with, like the time it takes to commute to school or take a bath.

How I Wait Chart
Make a picture chart together that shows simple, fun things kids can do while they wait, like singing a song, doing a dance, going on an imaginary trip, or counting things around the room. Hang it in a place where they can refer to it often.

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